Fifa confirms Cairo as safe venue for Egypt – Ghana World Cup play-off

egypt fans

The world’s football governing body says the Egyptian capital remains the venue for the return leg play-off between the Pharaohs and the Black Stars on November 19

Ghana will have to travel to trouble spot Cairo for the second-leg World Cup play-off against Egypt on November 19, Fifa has confirmed.

The west African side has raised concern about security situation in the Egyptian capital, but the world football governing body feels otherwise in a communication to the Ghana FA on Wednesday.

According to Fifa, the Egypt FA has assured that it will provide the maximum security to their visitors coupled with the fact that Caf has allowed Al Ahly to play their Champions League match in Cairo.

The return leg is scheduled for the Air Defence Stadium in November after Ghana thrashed the seven-time African champions 6-1 in the first leg in Kumasi on October 15.

We all hope and pray for peace before and after the game, and for all of Egypt.

egypt confusion I

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